Nach nicht einmal
drei Monaten bringt das Team der Multiplayer-Modifikation
Occupation: Source wieder eine neue Version heraus. Der Schritt von 1.3.0 auf 1.3.1 lässt nicht sehr viele Neuerungen erwarten, jedoch sagt da der umfangreiche Changelog, sowie die Größe des Patches mit 201 MB etwas anderes.
- Weapons and Movement:
- Ironsight and Hip Aiming has been properly calibrated to Movement and Recoil of the weapon. In short, The Bullet goes where the Weapon / Crosshair is pointing when discharged minus the weapons accuracy and bullet mechanics (resistance, shape, gravity, etc.).
- In ironsights the movement bob is synchronized with the server removing all the distortion of the player weapon and map view
- Recoil is much more accurate for the specific weapon and bullet type.
- Footsteps are now surface specific with armor movement sounds superimposed over them.
- SMG1 now has the specs of the MP7a1 with 4.6mm X 30 mm ammunition
- The Ammobag bug showing the wrong contents in the Supply Bag has been fixed.
- Stamina is recovered quicker and does not drain as rapidly when climbing ladders
- Ammobag render has been changed.
- The player is no longer getting stuck when recovering from unconsciousness and is rarely falling through the world when going unconscious after falling. (happens very infrequently - working on it)
- Crashes caused by dying while holding grenades have been resolved
- Tracers are more discrete and better scaled
- Ballistics and Damage:
- Ballistics logic no longer drops fragments that separate inside a solid body. Its what makes JHP’s and HP’s so deadly against soft to medium targets.
- Ballistic reporting now captures Bullets that fragment completely on impact and during penetration
- Ragdolls reaction to impacts more realistic
- The Kevlar materials Tensile and Yield strengths have been adjusted downward to reflect real world values
- HUD:
- HUD elements are now reactive so they only displays when there information changes or through the player interface.
- Holding "h" forces the relevant HUD components to display
- Rebuy Button enabled in Armory
- New Icons have been created by Joker3004 and incorporated in to the HUD. More to come…
- Gameplay and Maps:
- AI has been improved by streamlining NPC decision making and extending their target memory. They are more deliberate and focused and much less forgiving.
- In order to Secure the Theatre the Resistance must now secure all HQ's like the Occupation.
- CS maps are now supported for Multiplayer gameplay. Buy zones act as entry zones and in defuse maps Bomb zones act as unoccupied HQ’s. In hostage rescue maps the hostage positions are used to randomly choose a location for the Occupation HQ and a randomly chosen location close to the Resistance Entry Zone acts as the Resistance HQ.
- A player now has a 5 Second window of invulnerability right after deploying in theater or until they fire a weapon which ever comes first. Throwing Grenades and Punching does not negate this window. This gives a player time to position in CS Maps in case of spawn campers.
- New game rules states have been added including Quagmire and Attrition:
- Quagmire occurs when the Score at the end of the map is tied. In addition the team holding the Liberation designation at the end of the map is awarded a single point.
- Attrition occurs when one of the factions have no players alive in theater after the Initial Window closes. If the Resistance Clears the theater they become the Liberation.
- The issue of Transport Units not responding to deployment requests have been resolved.
Einige wichtige Änderungen sind hierbei Änderungen am Aiming, spezifischeres Verhalten der jeweiligen Waffen, das Entfernen einiger Bugs, das von jetzt an verschwindende HUD, das nur dort aufleuchtet, wo sich Veränderungen auftun, sowie ein paar Änderungen am Gameplay generell.
Zum Spielen wird außer Half-Life 2 auch Counter-Strike: Source vorausgesetzt. Herunterladen kann man OccupationCS:Source hier:
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