Wieder einmal haben die Entwickler des Source-Spiels "The Ship" ein riesiges Update veröffentlicht. The Ship ist der Nachfolger der gleichnamigen Half-Life-Mod, über die es in
diesem ModDB-Eintrag Infos gibt und die man dort auch herunterladen kann.
Alle neuen Features, behobene Probleme und Infos über das Update, welches beim (Neu-)starten von Steam installiert wird, stehen im langen Changelog:
- New Features
- Added system to allow players to opt in and out of a game using a button on the scoreboard
- Added join as passenger or killer option on joining
- When players sit down they now stay sitting for a while and can look around until they cancel sitting or they have been sitting for a long time
- Added new player models, outfits and hats
- Added Round Summary - (up to) 5 kills are shown at the end of a round, during the countdown to the next one
- Added feather impact visual effect on furnishings
- Ragdolls are now containers - players can pick up clothes and items from the the corpses
- Players killed legitimately now drop the weapon they were holding, as well as their wallet
- Added visual effets for freezers, saunas, baths on all maps, as well as the paddle on Atalanta
- Added sleeping syringe and short sword as weapons
- Added muzzle flash visual effect for guns
- Added bathing animation
- Added support for Polish and Japanese localised text
- Added French and German voice-over sounds for characters in Single-Player
- Game Balance & Gameplay Changes
- Changed the fine for possession of a deadly weapon to $500. Weapon fines increased for more serious weapons
- Players now get arrested when they damage crew shipmates
- Stopped players interacting with objects while another player is interacting with it
- Fixes
- Fixed the last purse/wallet bomb in the map not awarding any MFK
- Stopped bots using locked doors
- Fixed bug where players with surname "Hunter" were given it as "hunter"
- Fixed server config bug where some setting were not being set correctly the first time a map was run in dedicated servers
- Elevator indicators fixed
- Fixed bug with players falling through map
- Improved player identification response time
- Fixed deathmatch rules bug where it determined that victory conditions were always met when there was only 1 player left in the server
- Reduced vomit, pee and poo effects
- Fixed bug with winner grapic not appearing sometimes and not getting everyone's identity when a round ends
- Mouse wheel defaults to changing between decks on the deckplan
- Fixed bug with players not being put back into jail when they disconnect and reconnect
- Fixed problem with server browser thinking a user was banned when they were not
- Stopped players being able to start interacting with something and then use it from a large distance away
- All deckplan images reworked
- Fixed layout of some graphics to allow more room for some languages
- Improved various parts of single player and Mr. X intro maps
- Improved character portraits on HUD
- Fixed quarry jail/sickbay indicator getting out of sync in Elimination mode
- Stoped inventory panels from closing for no reason
- Fixed bug with players continuing to play an animation instead of walking
- Fixed outfits returned to player after arrest in Single-Player game
- Improved depression effect in 3rd person
- Increased explosion for purse/ wallet bomb
- Fixed flaregun MFK award when player killed from flare hitting before fire starts
- Audio
- Added damping for some sounds between decks
- Balanced gun sounds
- Improved explosion sound
- Polished all map soundscapes
- Added bath sounds
- Improved container sounds
- Added metal pedal bin container sound
- Added camera alert / watching sound
- Added death by suicide voice over
- Added HUD sounds: red zone on and off, need appear, timer, table popup (MFK and score)
- Improved User Interface sounds
- Added trap start and alarm sounds
- Added sauna trap steam sound
- Added death by sauna sound
- Added piston sparks sound
- Added Engineer hammering sound
- Raised sound levels for all player voice over
- Cotopaxi bar music a little quieter
- Removed shocked sound that was played when players witnessed others in the wrong toilets
- Reduced vomit, pee and poo sounds
- New Elevator music
- Improved levels of various sounds
Zum Abschluss möchten wir an dieser Stelle noch einmal auf die heutige
Steam Update-News hinweisen. Nach dieser soll es nämlich schon in wenigen Tagen - genauer am 20. November - eine neue Singleplayer-Version des Source-Games geben. Wir bleiben natürlich dran und werden auch darüber wieder informieren.