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Source Mods

HL2: Substance Version 1.2 released!

04.01.2006 | 13:22 Uhr | von Trineas
10.297 Hits
11 Kommentare
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Half-Life 2: Substance ist eine Modifikation der Singleplayer Kampagne von Half-Life 2. Levels wurden teilweise verändert, Texturen und Models ausgetauscht und auch altbekannte Gegner aus Half-Life 1 wurden hinzugefügt, genauso wie neue Waffen oder einen Bullet Time Modus.

Nun ist Version 1.2 erschienen, welche einige interessante Neuerungen bringt. Einen genauen Changelog gibt es leider nicht, doch alle die mal wieder Lust haben Half-Life 2 durchzuspielen, sollten das vielleicht mit der Substance Mod probieren. Die 130 Megabyte große Installationsdatei und den ganz aktuell erschienen Mini-Patch könnt ihr hier runterladen:

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Half-Life 2: Substance

Engine: Source Mod
Typ: Singleplayer
Released: 13.12.2004
Tags:  Veränderungen für Half-Life 2

Kommentare (11)
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# 1
Na und?was ist den jetzt genau neu in der neuen Version?
Post 04.01.2006, 14:00 Uhr
# 2
Original von lexon

Na und?was ist den jetzt genau neu in der neuen Version?

New single player campaign modes: European Extreme mode is a nightmare/legendary difficulty with all the Substance features but no extra encounters - best for low-level hardwares; the Gordon Tales are an alternate take on Freeman's arrival to C17, which start with a new intro and follow his steps in the Seventeen Years War - think of the chaos of the "Follow Freeman!" chapter,only from the beginning; while Survivor mode is based on health management and trades Halo shields for medikits, so you must save and leech health or an error too many in the canals could prove fatal only in the citadel!;
- Gameplay additions: bullet time + fast reload as in Max Payne 2, gruesome new gibbing system,friendly fire,open wounds, Critical Hit System as in Shogo (score headshots and melee kills to win health!), the weapons' weight affect your walk speed, fast Punch button, crosshair disappears if you don't slow down, alternate firemodes, allies spawning, enemy conversions, incendiary/dark energy shells, kill striders with normal guns and meet bullsquids, houndeyes, assassins and stalkers;
- The lost Raising the Bar HL2 intro recreated by MedicDance and Smanu85;
- Get acquainted with the new game features in the revised VR Training map or enjoy the Substance comics by artist LKL;
- The HEV FORMS class system,press "TAB" and select your personality among the following ones! Unlocked once you acquire the crowbar from Barney.
[GORDON FREEMAN] is a scientist and knows how to play defensively while exploiting his enemies' advanced technology to build friendly units and nasty traps.
Abilities: HEV Shield (protects from damage and melee attacks in particular) and thermal flashlight (can be focused until it burns enemies)
Weapons: punch,crowbar,stunstick+manhack,pistol,mp5+grenade (employs hand grenades),dual combine ball launcher,jackhammer+turrett,bugbait+antlion,berserk ggun (turns super if you use it for a while),explosive-stuffed proximity headcrab (kill headcrabs,win ammo),covenant grenade,quad free fire rpg;
[LIQUID SNAKE] is the terrorist leader of fox-hound and his specialties are mass killings and stylish matrixesque executions with any kind of weapon or even bare-handed fights.
Abilities: Killing Spree,HEV Knuckles,super throw (splash enemies with crates or barrels),extended bullet time
Weapons: punch,tazer,stunstick+manhack,desert eagle,AK47,HK23,Vulcan minicannon,super shotgun 1/2/4 ammo,cluster incendiary grenade,quad free fire rpg,bugbait+antlion,berserk ggun;
[SOLID SNAKE] is a talented spy who relies on his stealth camouflage to evade capture or to approach and kill unaware foes in close quarters combat or silent arms.
Abilities: Stealth Camouflage,Fortune Device (EMP explosion that hurts close enemies and makes impossible for enemy bullets to hit you),HL1 Long Jump Module,Double Jump and Leap attack (mid-air melee attacks are stronger)
Weapons: knife,silenced pistol,silenced famas,silenced crossbow with normal+fire+explosive arrows,gravity gloves (choke enemies!),the slam,chaff grenade (converted combines are friendly to you and slaughter each other),quad free fire rpg,bugbait+antlion,berserk ggun;
[BIG BOSS] is an infiltrator who has learnt the ways of the predator in the jungle, healing his own wounds and capping his targets from afar with famed precision.
Abilities: morfine shot,nightvisions,crouch mimetism
Weapons: hunting knife,stunstick+manhack,flaregun,free fire scoped desert eagle,scoped tranquillizer shotgun,scoped AWP with embedded bullet time,scoped bigger jackhammer,scoped OICW,quad free fire rpg,bugbait+antlion,berserk ggun,proximity headcrab;
[GRAY FOX] is a ninja wrath who shifts through the fabric of reality to coldly murder any living thing fool enough to try and oppose him. This form is locked until you beat the game once.
Abilities: Shift to Spectral Plane,Ultimate Fortune Device and Instant Gib with any weapon
Weapons: progressive katana,sns-50,sawed-off,xm-8,AUG rifle,super ggun,covenant grenade,chaff grenade,slam,quad free fire rpg,bugbait+antlion;
- General fixes: stats are now ported through levels,fixed bugs concerning invisibility,blue grids and turrets. If you get stuck in a level,hit the Bugfix button on the main menu. If you get too many crashes,lower your audiovideo details and customize your launch options as stated in the FAQs;
- System requirements: 1G ram, 2.5Ghz processor for medium detail,anisotropic and AAS disabled.

Steht im Forum bei der offiziellen Seite
Post 04.01.2006, 14:18 Uhr
# 3
an der neuen version reitzt mich vor allem die bullet time.
anscheinend muss ich hl² wiedermal erneut durchspielen. :)
Post 04.01.2006, 14:19 Uhr
# 4
Original von bEndt`

anscheinend muss ich hl² wiedermal erneut durchspielen. :)

das denke ich auch an jedem verkaterten sonntag morgen :( :D
Post 04.01.2006, 15:13 Uhr
# 5
ok jetzt weis ich bescheid....
Post 04.01.2006, 16:53 Uhr
# 6
Original von bEndt`

an der neuen version reitzt mich vor allem die bullet time.
anscheinend muss ich hl² wiedermal erneut durchspielen. :)

Bullet time gab es schon vorher
Post 04.01.2006, 17:48 Uhr
# 7
Also ich hab die Mod ganz schnell wieder deinstalliert, weil mich die Ladezeiten angeödet haben ! Ich meine die waren noch viel Länger, als bei HL2 selbst ! Ansonsten war die Mod ja ganz cool...
Ich hätte wohl mal die Details und so runterstellen sollen, vielleicht hätte das was gebracht !
Naja ansonsten ist die Mod ganz OK...
Post 04.01.2006, 20:00 Uhr
# 8
Das Blut ist vom Mod ´´SMOD´´!
Post 04.01.2006, 20:19 Uhr
# 9
Die neuen Waffen find ich interessant. Besonders die Deagle mit Fernrohr hats mir angetan xD

Eine schöne Mod für alle, die das Spielerlebnis von Half-Life 2 ein bisschen anders haben wollen ;) :)
Post 04.01.2006, 21:10 Uhr
# 10
Irgendwie komisch, die frühere version gefiel mir besser.
Post 05.01.2006, 13:32 Uhr
# 11
Installiere es gerade, also ich freu mich dolle, auch wenn es manchmal verpöhnt wird keine "echte" mod zu sein...
Post 05.01.2006, 14:38 Uhr

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