Fast zeitgleich mit dem Erscheinen der Version 1.0 der Zombimetzel-Mod haben es die Entwickler geschafft, die Domain wieder zu erlangen, nachdem sie vorher von anderen übernommen worden war.
Hier zwei Bilder, die Lust auf mehr machen:
Das Changelog ist beachtlich:
Zitat: Behobene Fehler:
- The grenade exploit is no more.
- Random weapon spawning in the player spawning area removed. ( We have pleased the heathen gods. )
- Wall/Strafe running exploit should no longer be effective.
- Cracked Survivor Face model repaired. (Thanks CoolCookieCooks!)
- Players can mute each other now.
- Spectator mode was restored, but removed again due to a difficult to find crashing bug. Sorry guys!
- Rifle ammo will now drop when the player uses Drop Unusable Ammo.
- There are now default keys for selecting ammo type, dropping selected ammo type, dropping all unusable ammo, and Panic!
- Players may only suicide after they've been alive for 20 seconds and theres a 5 second delay before the player actually croaks.
- Zombie jump delay increased to 2 seconds.
- You can now drop whatever ammo you have left, even if it's not enough to fill a magazine.
- Players can no longer pick up a weapon if they already have that weapon (thus destroying the gun).
- Locked cl_pitchup and cl_pitchdown.
- Func_train and Func_wall_toggle entities now reset upon round reset.
- Flag for func_buttons to allow them to be usable by certain teams only.
(To use this you will need to recompile the map with the new .fgd, but otherwise it's not mandatory.) - Both Survivors and Zombies should move about 15% faster.
- New version of zp_thelabs (Thanks spacer!)
- New version of zp_ruins (Thanks Watchmaker!)
- Added zp_santeria (Thanks spacer!)
- Added zp_contingency and zpo_contingency (Thanks Olmy!)
- Linux Server .so file updated to v1.0 (Included in the dlls directory)
Patch von Zombie Panic 0.94 auf 1.0:
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
Mirror 3
Mirror 4
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
Mirror 3
Mirror 4