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Erstes Update für die neue UI

08.10.2005 | 01:49 Uhr | von Koraktor
11.040 Hits
24 Kommentare
1 viewing
Für die Beta-Version der neuen Steam-Benutzeroberfläche gab es heute schon ein erstes Update, um einige der bereits entdeckten Bugs zu beheben.

Original von Greg Coomer

We've just released an update to the beta which fixes many issues, including some of those listed below. Restart Steam (using the same command line as above) to get the changes.

Hier eine Liste der gefixten Bugs:

  • Internet games tab in serverbrowser is slow with more than 1000 servers in the list.
  • Add a scrollbar in backup wizard when backing up more games than can fit on one page
  • Sometimes clickable menu items always appearing checked
  • Every item in "Update" column turned into "box" symbol. No "news". Unable to recreate. Possibly related to turning colum displays on and off.
  • Some third party mods read "Third-party" as the developer and have no link, others read "[ Third-Party ]" and have a link to www.steampowered.com from them.
  • It's HL1 engine mods which have the link listed.
  • Some machines show squares when drawing empty columns
  • 'purchasing...' progress dialog doesn't have much room on the bottom
  • no progress moving when installing games( 'creating cache files' )
  • UI style of scrollbar in Backup games is inconsistent with other scrollbars. Scrollable area also is in a squared rather than rounded corner rectangle and missing the drop shadow look of Games list (for example). [Duplicate]
  • If you right click on a third party mod in "My games" and select "Backup game files..." you'll find there are no 3d party mods listed
  • Fixed by removing unsupported 'backup game files...' context menu option from 3rd party mods
  • The context menus for games on the My Games tab display a line even if there's no items below it (see Rag Doll Kung Fu on an account where it's preloaded but not preordered).
  • If you have an out of date video card driver and try to connect to a server via the serverbrowser the command line is incorrect
  • Pause update from context menu, then launch game, context menu then says "Pause update" rather than "Resume update"
  • Loading any sort of game (HL1/2, HL1/2 mods (both valve made and 3rd party), then exiting and then attempt to load a 3rd party mod will result in loading HL2 sp - Steam "thinks" that all mods are HL2 single player (i.e allows you options that are available only to valve games). To be able to play 3rd party mods again you have to exit Steam and run it again.
  • The Day of Defeat: Source icon (white circle/white star) is outdated. Update to the newer icon.
  • Download speed is written as Kb/s, whereas it looks more like KB/s.
  • All HL1-engine third-party mods are missing the last character from their name; Source Engine mods are not affected
  • Third party games may be listed as "Half-Life 2" on shrunken games window.
  • Pre-order now button on preload dialog should minimize the preload dialog, currently hides store
  • Support button changes to minigameslist, after going to mini-games list once

Um das Update herunterzuladen müsst ihr euren Kühlschrank mit dem Parameter "-clientbeta betaui" öffnen.

Kommentare (24)
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# 21
Ich finde die neue Plattform RICHTIG GEIL !!!!!!!!!!!

Weiter so Steam ich bin eh euer größter Fan :)

Super Lob an www.planethalflife.de Top aktuell, schönes Design....
Post 08.10.2005, 22:57 Uhr
# 22
*nixraff* wie spiel ich das jetzt auf?Kühlschrank???WAS?
Post 08.10.2005, 23:44 Uhr
# 23
Original von Hellfire

B) Bin gerade ein wenig blid. Wo ist denn der Monitor?
(Will darauf hinweisen, dass er nicht da ist.)
Liegt vll daran, dass es noch eine Beta ist.

ka weil der ;onitor in der Games Liste integriert ist
dan steht beider "Grossen" versin statt 100%-Redy die angaben zum aktiven download (wiciel prozent er schon hatt und die Übertragungsrate)
bei der "Kleinen" liste steht hinterm Game name nur die Prozentzahl.
Post 09.10.2005, 01:17 Uhr
# 24
Ja habe ich auch gerade bemerkt. Eigentlich ganz nett, könnte nur nervig werden wenn man sieht, dass Steam updatet und nur schnell sehen will was, aber nein man muss die ganze Liste (wird ja mit mehr Steam games noch größer werden) durchsuchen. Aber jetzt finde ich es ganz nett und eigentlich übersichtlicher als den Monitor.
Post 10.10.2005, 15:19 Uhr

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