Das lang erwartete Update von der Half-Life 2 Multiplayer Modifikation "Battle Grounds 2" ist da! Mit ihr im Gepäck viele Bugfixes, Tweaks und neue Player Models! (Einer der größten Kritikpunkte der Mod mit dem etwas anderen Theme) Doch auch die Maps wurden verbessert und es gibt physikalisch berechnete Geschosse.
Download Battle Grounds 2 v0.14 (65,1 Megabyte)
Der Changelog im Detail:
Zitat: - changed version naming scheme to something easier for people to remember/type
- all new bullet physics - still experimental. use sv_simulatedbullets to activate
- ragdolls are now removed on round restart
- players no longer get to survive round restart if there aren't enough spawns
- minor fixes to spectator mode
- officers now have their own models
- walk/run speeds are now dependant on class:
loyalist/minute man slow
royal infantry/continental soldier medium
royal commander/continental officer fast - admin helpers added.
teams now autobalance
class limits added(mp_limit_*)
cvars to store team scores, if changed the real scores are too.(mp_americanscore/britishscore)
mp_timeleft added, returns remaining time to map change.
sv_restartround added, resets flags, scores and respawns all players. - added bg_township
- added bg_ambush
- added bg_hill2
- fixed missing language files
- fixed snow in func_percipitation
- added lots of map models
- added new smoke material to replace CSS smoke nade one
- voice commands look different to normal text and except for the warcry can only be seen by your team(but still heard by all)
- updated and refined all player model skins
- you are able to read the name of the player you are poiting at
- .cfg now exec on mapchange. it is execed last, after listenserver.cfg
- new steam background
- fixed many, many exploits and bugs
Wir freuen uns natürlich immer über kurze Reviews zur neuen Version in den Kommentaren!