-Mod Info- macht weiter große Fortschritte. Mittlerweile wurden alle Waffen für die erste Beta fertig gestellt:
Zitat: Media Update - We've finally completed all of our inital release weapons! We've added the fully skinned Remington 710 sniper rifle, the .44 Magnum and the RPG Launcher. We have also added a fully skinned Civilian Scout player model (the first of several variations).
Noch spannender ist die Infos von dem anstehenden internen Beta-Test:
Zitat: We are also pleased to announce that internal development of Forsaken is going well and we are approaching the final stages of our alpha builds. After this we will be running a closed beta of Forsaken which we are now officially accepting applications for. If you are interested in beta-testing Forsaken, apply here.
Also Betatester, meldet euch! Hier noch die neuen Screenshots bzw. Render direkt von den Entwicklern:
Im offiziellen Forum gibt es ausserdem noch den offiziellen Sound-Track zum
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