Update vom letzten Freitag wurde wie angekündigt wieder freigegeben. Zusätzlich gibt es noch ein paar weitere Bugfixes.
Zitat: Counter-Strike: Source
- Made the radio menu more responsive
- When bullets hit grates and chain-link fences they play the appropriate effects
- Bots will not join or leave during the round when bot_quota_mode is "match" or "fill"
- Improved bot ladder usage
- Bullet decals are now scaled based on distance, to make them more visible at long range
- Fixed bots filling a server and preventing players from joining after round change
- Fixed hang bug when shooting grates
Source Engine
- Fixed an intermittent crash ("failed to open models\gman_high.vvd") in Half-Life 2
- Added an indicator in settings UI displaying current authentication status for multiplayer games
- Fixed a game crash which occurred when trying to write to special filenames reserved by Windows
Wie immer: Steam (neu)starten.