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Forum > Valve Games > Left 4 Dead 2 > Dedicated Server - niemand außer mir kann joinen
Status: Offen
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# 1
Samuelfx  (39)
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Dabei seit: 28.05.2012
24 Beiträge
Dedicated Server - niemand außer mir kann joinen
Ich wollte jetzt mal einen Dedicated Server aufsetzen mit dem ich mit 1-2 Kumpels und anderen zusammen über das Internet spielen kann. Ich habe also über Steam den Dedicated Server für L4D2 runtergeladen und das Ding gestartet. Ich kann (nach extrem langer Ladezeit) joinen und habe auch einen ganz guten Ping, aber niemand sonst kann auf den Server joinen.
Vielleicht hilft ja das Fachchinesisch beim Serverstart das Problem zu finden

Host_NewGame on map c5m1_waterfront
Executing dedicated server config file
Initializing Director's script
Couldn't find any entities named spawn_fryingpan_demo, which point_template template_demo is specifying.
WARNING: orator at 777 677 -418 missing modelname
Attempting to precache model, but model name is NULL
jukebox_script executing script: jukebox_main
Commentary: Loading commentary data from maps/c5m1_waterfront_commentary.txt.
Initializing Director's script
exec: couldn't exec server.cfg
Client "XXX" connected (XXX.XXX.1.2:27005).
String Table dictionary for downloadables should be rebuilt, only found 38 of 43 strings in dictionary
String Table dictionary for soundprecache should be rebuilt, only found 9750 of 16359 strings in dictionary
String Table dictionary for Scenes should be rebuilt, only found 6769 of 13243 strings in dictionary
Initiating NoThreat Script
ConVarRef mat_hdr_manual_tonemap_rate doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Connection to Steam servers successful.
VAC secure mode disabled.
Dropped XXX from server (Disconnect by user.)
Couldn't find any entities named spawn_fryingpan_demo, which point_template template_demo is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named survivor_start, which point_template ptemplate_survival_spawn is specifying.
WARNING: orator at 777 677 -418 missing modelname
Attempting to precache model, but model name is NULL
jukebox_script executing script: jukebox_main
Initializing Director's script
ConVarRef mat_hdr_manual_tonemap_rate doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Initiating NoThreat Script
-> Reservation cookie 0: reason reserved(yes), clients(no), reservationexpires(0.00)
Server is hibernating
ConVarRef test_progression_loop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Couldn't find any entities named spawn_fryingpan_demo, which point_template template_demo is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named survivor_start, which point_template ptemplate_survival_spawn is specifying.
WARNING: orator at 777 677 -418 missing modelname
Attempting to precache model, but model name is NULL
jukebox_script executing script: jukebox_main
Initializing Director's script

Also kann mir jemand sagen, warum außer mir niemand joinen kann? Es wäre toll, wenn mir da jemand weiter helfen könnte.
17.07.2012, 23:36 Uhr Anzeigen
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